Please take a few moments and read over Niall's most recent update about the court case, which will determine BeeHive School's and Niall Family's future.
BeeHive is in big trouble and needs help - BeeHive needs new school buildings as soon as possible, but funds are running low and the rains are making construction progress slow.
Plus, the additional court fees are putting a lot of financial pressure on Niall personally, since he is paying for all of them out-of-pocket. Most of his life savings and a heavy loan from his parents have gone towards the new school buildings. Niall needs help to save BeeHive School.
Please consider helping - there are many ways to help:
1) Volunteer
2) Donate
3) Raise awareness by forwarding the website, fan page, newsletters, etc. to friends
4) Send Niall a message of encouragement, so that he can remain thinking positive and has the energy to continue being a great leader. Even leaders need some encouragement now and again.
Had a bad day.
Went to court yesterday and I found no one, so thought we were ok for a bit. Then I went to school today to continue with planning and teacher training (we have three new teachers), and found one teacher had decided not to join us, after being in the training program for two weeks. he was going to be the std 4 teacher (Ali's class), starting on Monday. So that has kind of thrown me.
Then we knocked off from school about 2pm and I went to photocopy and buy some stationery and stuff. Got a call from Constance, saying I had to go back to school as the Judge and all the lawyers were there. Rushed up there, and found loads of important looking bods in suits, the Judge, the lawyers from the Attorney Generals office (them) our lawyer (us) and a load of Ministry of Ed officials, the head of the inspection team who had closed us that time. They had been in court in the morning since 11 am (no one had told us), then wanted to come and see the school. I hastily and not very well showed them round, they had a look in one class, then went back to the court. I got there and found them in conference, and i heard our lawyer put the case and heard their replies. The judge said that he would return to Mzuzu on Thursday 1st April at 10am to decide. I don't know. People keep telling me to think positive, but i just have a bad feeling. The Ministry officials are right, the structures are not good - it doesn't matter that in government schools 150 kids are crammed in a class with no desks, or some classes learn under trees - the Ministry has given us the minimum laws and we have to follow them or be closed. And we will have to pay the costs if we lose, which is a frightening thought, and one which i hadn't really considered how we would do. Maybe I'll end up in prison!
I don't know why I'm feeling like a criminal, when all I want to do is make a good school where my kids and any kids can fulfill their potential.
Don't know what I'll do with Ali and Tiru if they do close it. I CAN'T put them in any other school here in Mzuzu.
Oh well (desperately trying to think positive), at least we can open for the second term on Monday.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and be a witness to this unfolding story.
Eva and The BeeHive School Team
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