Check out Katy's Entry on the Robin Hood Lionheart website. If she wins, she'll receive $10,000 for BeeHive School! Copied below is the text from Katy's application:
Malawi is one of the poorest nations in the world and its schools are suffering. This elementary school in agricultural Mzuzu is a model school with a strong academic core. Through education, BeeHive Elementary School is nurturing future Malawian leaders and innovators.
After graduating college in 2006, I visited Malawi to teach science to children. One school - BeeHive School -stood out as a ?diamond in the rough?. I observed children reading library books, creating art, playing sports, and doing "show-and-tell." These seemingly commonplace activities are unique in Malawi. I was humbled and awed by how the passion and ingenuity of the teachers created such a positive and high-quality educational experience, despite a lack of material resources.Unfortunately, BeeHive's plywood classrooms are unsafe and do not meet basic building codes. Construction of permanent brick buildings is underway, but more funding is needed.
Despite a demanding career, I have determinedly used my free time to raise awareness, fundraise, build a community of volunteers, and create original content, including a website, video and newsletters for the school. I have created partnerships with ASAP Africa, GlobalGiving and National Geographic and leveraged social networking tools to bring BeeHive to life. Through the generosity of family, friends, and strangers, I have raised over $5000 in small donations. I continue to be impressed by everyone who has supported BeeHive, including my local rotary club, Facebook Fans, a special-ed class, and MIT students built a computer lab.
Building one little school might seem like a small thing, but it is amazing to think how many students it will touch and how many memories and friendships are being created along the way.
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